Author Archives: Susan

Release Day!

Ja Wahnsinn! Erst lange Zeit nichts und dann plötzlich 2 (In Worten ZWEI!) Releases an 1 (in Worten EINEM!!) Tag.

Kinder, was ist da los?

Frank Schmiechen haut eine supercatchy EP raus, die den Geist Burt Bacharachs atmet. Deutsche Texte ohne Pein und Pathos. Sagen, was ist. So. 60ies Drums, Gretsch Gitarren, Cembalo und herrliche Chöre a la 5th Dimension munden vorzüglich. Nonen, Major7 und verminderte Quinten, sie leben hoch!

Roland Wolffs Album “Kingdom of Dale” ist eine sehr leise Platte geworden. WDR Soundlab Köln 1971 mit dem Geruch von BASF-Tonbändern und Filterlosen trifft auf das “Kein Midi! Kein Click! Kein Digital!”-Dogma. Erik Satie trifft Traffic, oder so. Oder auch ganz anders?

One Sunny Day are back!

It has been a bit quiet here over the past years, we gotta confess!
The pandemic hit us hard, priorities had been shifted, there was little time for music and the like. A tricky situation indeed, especially for a tiny label such as One Sunny Day.
But those dull days are over, we are still around.
That said, we are proud to present two upcoming releases from artists that had both there debut with One Sunny Day!
Frank Schmiechen will release his EP “Zehn Minuten” on April 28, Roland Wolff choose the same date for his long player “Kingdom of Dale”.
Roland and Frank had presented a couple of their new songs live in Berlin earlier this month.
Acclaimend culture editor Stefan Maelck featured their new music on his MDR Kultur special radio broadcast a couple of days ago.
And to add to it, rumour has it that Susan and Chris, founder of this label, are towards recording new material soon, so stay tuned!


Hill Myna Live

Endlich ist es soweit! Die erste Möglichkeit Hill Myna Live zu sehen! Mit dabei sind die unglaubliche Postrock-Band Shipwrecks (Köln) und das Alternative-Duo Sohnemann (Köln).

Zum Facebook Event:

Einlass: 19:00
Beginn: 20:00



IN COLOR @ iTunes

Save The Date!


Hill Myna – In Color (Official Album Teaser) from Stefan Hill on Vimeo.

Hill Myna bei

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Check out!

Watch HILL MYNA’s new video! WAVES AND SUNSET in 2D and 3D!!

The four children: Julian, Maxim, Sandy and Pepe

Director: Stefan Hill
Co-Director: Philipp Imlau
Production Assistant: Chadia Hamadé
Director of Photography: Thorsten Luer & Frank Buchhold
GoPro-Operator: Jakob Storm
Set-Photography: Maurice Braun
Postproduction: Stefan Hill

Waves And Sunset

OUT NOWl! :-)

Amazon MP3:


Hill Myna’s next single WAVES AND SUNSET will be available on iTunes MAY 17th! Dive into the summer feeling and check out the new teaser :-)
All the best, OSD

Hill Myna on SoundCloud

Hear “Today”! The first single from Hill Myna’s forthcoming studio album “In Color” is now available on SoundCloud:

And check out Hill Myna’s new Website:

Best wishes, OSD